Theodor Storms Chor
Over 26 years ago the musical partnership between Theodor Storms Chor and the Kidderminster Choral Society came into being.We have been linked with the TSC since 1989, through our two towns’ 60-year twinning arrangement. Every two years we visit them, or they visit us, for a long weekend of concentrated rehearsing and performing – we combine the choirs to perform works from the classical choral repertoire.
Individual members have also joined us for such occasions as our Singing Weekends in Shrewsbury or in Knighton – just as individual members of KCS have joined them and taken part in performances.
Why not visit their website and check them out!

Members of KCS visited Husum to join with the TSC again in May 2013, when we sang Rossini’s Petite Messe Solennelle – as well as enjoying a very pleasant weekend with old friends and new.
The choir’s last visit to Kidderminster was towards the end of May 2015, when we presented a very successful Haydn and Vivaldi concert together.
Husum is on the west coast of Schleswig-Holstein, in Germany, and our visits there make a very pleasant change from the English Midlands – though Husumers enjoy and appreciate our Worcestershire scenery just as much!