Advertise with us
We would like to invite you to advertise in one of our programmes. Produced to a very high standard by a local printing company, our programmes are treasured by our concertgoers, many of whom keep them as a memento of the concert.
Before a concert you will always find many concertgoers looking through the programme whilst waiting for the concert to start. This is a prime time for you to bring your message to them.
With up to 400 audience members at our town hall concerts, they could be a reading your message at our next concert.
Advertising Rates
Quarter Page (Full Season)
Full Page (Full Season)
Half Page (Full Season)
These rates are for a full season of advertising with Kidderminster Choral Society, and your advertisement would be featured in the programmes for all three main concerts, in Spring, November and the sell-out Christmas concert. Please contact our Treasurer if you would like to advertise with us.
Enquire about Advertising with us
FAO: Kidderminster Choral Society's Treasurer